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If you want to be part our loyalty program, it is necessary that you have stayed at least once.
Please complete this information, do not use invalid characters, for examples '#º/&%$"!¿¡?)(=:;¨Ç*^{}][
Be part of our loyalty program and take advantage of the following benefits.
The processing of data by HOTELANZA INVERSIONES, S.L. necessary to create your account in the loyalty program, from which you can manage the control panel, will be carried out as follows:
(I) To allow you access to your personal data.
(II) To provide access to the loyalty program, with vouchers, discounts, and exclusive offers.
Legal Basis:
(I) and (II) Consent of the Interested Party.
Access, deletion, rectification, portability, restriction, and objection to data processing.
The data related to the user account will be retained as long as the service provision remains active.
Additional Information:
Please consult the privacy policy section on the website:
You may exercise your legal rights by sending an email to, always indicating the Reference: “Data Protection” and attaching a document to verify your identity. You may also file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. We are committed to fulfilling our obligation to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and the duty to safeguard it, and we will adopt the necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized processing, loss, or destruction.
☐ I accept the creation of the user account necessary to manage the Control Panel.
© 2025 Apartamentos Flamingo Lanzarote.